As a photographer, I'm often asked to tell my story of my start. My told story seems to be a bit different every time, because I tend to spin off on multiple happy tangents (insert pertinent tangent here), but the core of the story is that I happily stumbled into this wedding photographer life of mine. Ten (plus) years ago, I had the hardest time declaring a major as a college freshman. Every time my (very kind and patient) undeclared advisor asked about my interests in the hopes of guiding me towards the right major, I would reply "People. I LOVE people." Poor guy.
I eventually declared as a Communication Major with an emphasis in Public Relations, the major most closely related to my "interests". My love for people, combined with my excellent Facebook skills (I was "that" friend who posted all the photos), and my Christian Liberal Arts college motto of "ring by spring" all combined into a sweet concoction of budding wedding photographer. A happy stumble and complete blessing from God that I thank Him for daily.
I tell you all this because I really do hope that in perusing my place on the internet that you notice, above all else, my genuine interest and love for people. It is the core of who I am, and how I approach everyone and everything I photograph.
That being said, I should warn you that my client's become friends. I take every invitation of photographing the most special moments as an invitation to also be your friend. One of my greatest joys as a wedding and portrait photographer, is being able to serve my new friends, and to share in your life's joys. I'm better at my job when I know you!
I can't wait to hear from you. I can promise you it will make my day.